Naad -Nartan
Journal of Dance and Music
ISSN 2349 - 4654 (Print)
DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Naad – Nartan is the NGO aimed at spreading art and culture through all available channels at our disposal. Various activities are held throughout the calendar whereby involving the masses in the field of classical music and dance. This year also, several such programmes were taken up through various of our channels with the help of our members and executive committee which strengthened the Indian tradition of art and music.
We promote art and culture through all available channels at our disposal. Various activities are held throughout the calendar whereby involving the masses in the field of classical music and dance. In the era of Global invasion of cultural supremacy by the Western Media, it gains much more significant to safeguard our intangible heritage and rich traditions. We try to engage people around us in various activities relating to art and culture and thereby bringing an awareness for the same amongst the masses. This year also, several such programmes were taken up through various of our channels with the help of our members and executive committee which strengthened the Indian tradition of art and music. In this series, we began to promote the viewership of documentary films related to Indian classical music and musicians. Making the documentary films on different subjects in India has been a famous trend. We used to watch “Films division kibhent” before actual feature films were screened in cinema halls. It was a must to have those reels. Though people were much interested to see the film not reels. During this time the torch man use to show us our row and seat number to sit and most of the time to adjust ourselves according to the seat and atmosphere.
Naad Nartan Journal of Dance and Music
Naad Nartan Journal of Dance & Music is a bi-lingual annual per reviewed and UGC CARE listed journal. It’s first issue was published in November 2014. Journal received articles of different cultural field from the researchers enrolled in different universities have shown interest in publishing their articles with great interests. To view of the above with special reference to our international norms for publishing articles we publish only best articles. To make and follow the international standards we refused articles which lacks authenticity and facts related to it.