Naad – Nartan Journal of Dance and Music

Refereed and Peer Reviewed Annual Bi-Lingual Journal

UGC CARE Listed | ISSN: 2349-4654

We at Naad -Nartan have always endeavored to strengthen the environment conducive to a meaningful research in the field of Indian music and dance.

Naad – Nartan had one of its objectives to enter into publishing research journals in the field of arts to spread knowledge through research articles published by research scholars of different universities. The objective fulfilled when the first issue of the Naad Nartan Journal of dance and music was published in November 2014.  

 It was unveiled at Naad Nartan annual music concert by Pt. Tejpal Singh of Indore Gharana, Prof. Madhu Bala Saxena & Prof. Anupam Mahajan of Deptt. Of Music, Delhi University, Delhi.  on 27th January 2015 at Habitat Centre, New Delhi.  It is a Bi-lingual annual Peer reviewed and UGC CARE listed  journal.

We cherished a dream of a refereed journal relating to the research activities and articles in the field of music and dance. This Peer reviewed Journal is dedicated to serious researchers who could bring out new facts and interpretations for the benefit of the society. We, as the publishers, shall try our level best to maintain international standards. We shall see to it that scholars relating to performing and visual arts get an international platform and interdisciplinary activities and research can find new routes and resonance.

For “Naad- Nartan Journal of Dance and music”, we invite research articles from all the teaching faculty and research scholars under different subjects every year.

Contact us: 28, Bharti Artist Colony, Vikas Marg, Delhi – 110092

Mail your article on: naadnartanjdm@gmail.com

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