Instructions for Publication

Instrustion for the submission of Research Paper in Naad – Nartan Journal of Dance of Music

Contributors are advised to be brief in introducing the subject and devote most of the paper to the principal theme. The journal prefers papers based on original data and fresh theoretical insights.

1. The research paper, should be typed in double space, only on one side of the paper in the format of 16 points text single font Kruti Dev/ Chanakya/Mangal/Unicode MS for Hindi in Page Maker/ M. S. Word document and 12 point text single font Times New Romans in Page Maker/ M. S. Word package in English.

2. Send your article to the following e-mail:

3. The paper should not exceed 8000 words.

4. The research paper must be accompanied with an abstract not exceeding 200 words. Do not use paragraph of your article as abstract. Abstract must include following framework:-

  • i) Introduction or research problem: Explain area of concern and research problem of your article.
  • ii) Objectives: Explain the desired outcomes and must mention the overall purpose of the study.
  • iii) Hypothesis: Explain possible result of the study that you will get or find.
  • iv) Research methodology: Explain what kind of research methodology adopted in writing research paper.
  • v) Conclusion: Explain the findings of your article in brief.

5. Paper should have atleast 5 key words.

6. The contributor must certify that the paper has not been published wholly or partly in any other Journal nor it has been submitted to any other Journal.

7. All the footnotes, typed in double space, should be numbered serially and placed at the end of the text. The bibliography, to be placed after footnotes, should be listed alphabetically by author and chronologically for each author. It should be kept as brief as possible.
The pattern of bibliography would be as follows:

(i) For published paper: The name(s) of the author(s), year, the name of the article & Journal, volume number & pages, e.g.
Shliefre, A., & Robert, W. W. (1997). A Survey of Corporate Governance. Journal of Finance,2, 737-783.
ii) For books: the name(s) of the author, year, title of the book, name of publisher and publication, e.g.
Hart, O. (1995). Firms, Contracts and Financial Structure, New York, Oxford University Press, p-25
(iii) iii) For edited books: Author(s) of the article, year, title of the article, names of the editor(s) , title of the book, name of publication company, page numbers, , e.g.
Diener, E; & Larsen, R. (1993). The experience of emotional well being . In M. Lewis & J. M. Haviland (Eds.), Handbook of Emotions, New York: Guilford. (pp.405-415).
iv) For Web site: Wed address and access of date and time, e.g; Accessed on 13 April, 2018, 14:00
Authors should take care to insure the accuracy of data and references.
Research papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that they are subject to Editorial Revisions. Please read Peer Review policy.
1. Copyrights of the papers published vests with the Journal
2. Correspondence relating to manuscripts should be addressed to:
The Chief Editor
28, Bharti Artist Colony ,
Vikas Marg, Delhi-110092
Former Dean & Head, Deptt. Of Music, M. D. University, Rohtak – 124001 (Haryana)
Former Director Incharge, School of Performing and Visual Arts, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi
Mob: 09873107335

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