Naad-Nartan is the NGO aimed at spreading art and culture of Indian Subcontinent not
only in the region but the world over. In the era of Global invasion of cultural supremacy by the
Western Media, it gains much more significant to safeguard our intangible heritage and rich
traditions. It can be done through different means like research, teaching, performances,
lecture/demonstrations etc.

Our objectives are as follows:

  • To extend the fine arts of India through different available tools.
  • Generating public interest through various means like live performances, conducting worksops multi-media presentations etc.
  • Teaching these arts to those who desire so.
  • Spreading Universal Brotherhood through the dance and music.
  • Providing the appropriate material regarding the fine arts of excellent quality like authentic books, Compositions, research- facilities etc.
  • Linking music and dance with Yoga and Meditation with a view to cater to the health issues.
  • Bringing the disabled persons in the mainstream whereby helping them in the social adjustment/rehabilitation. The list can go on and on. However, it is the first step and a lot more is to come up to in the days to come.

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