Guidelines for Publication English

Naad Nartan Journal of Dance and Music

Guidelines on Paper Writing


The paper should not exceed 3000 words and should compulsorily follow the format given below :


I. Introduction: Which should incorporate

  1. Introduction to your topic, including background of the study
  2. Research problem
  3. Objectives of the study
  4. Hypothesis
  5. Relevance of the study

II. Research Methodology

III. Results

IV. Discussions


Reference Guidelines

  • MLA Style (8th Edition) is recommended for referencing.
  • Please use In-Text citations wherever required.
  • The Reference list or The works cited list has to be given at the end of the paper.
  • If you want to provide relevant information besides citations, please use footnotes.



Please follow the examples for citations and references given here:


1. Book, Single Author

Works Cited entry

Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Edition, Publisher, Year of publication. 


In-text citation 

Parenthetical: (Author’s Last Name Page) 

Narrative: Author’s Last Name (Page) 


For Two Authors

Works Cited entry

Author’s Last Name, First Name, and Author’s First Name Last Name. Title of Book. Edition, 

Publisher, Year of publication.

In-text citation 

Parenthetical: (Author’s Last Name and Last Name Page) 

Narrative: Author’s Last Name and Last Name (Page)

Multi Author:

Works Cited entry

Author’s Last Name, First Name, et al. Title of Book. Edition, Publisher, Year of publication. 

In-text citation 

Parenthetical: (Author’s Last Name et al. Page) 

Narrative: Author’s Last Name and others (Page)


2. Journal Article, Single Author

Works Cited entry

Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of  Journal, vol. Volume, no. Issue,

 Month Year of publication, pp.Pages,


In-text citation 

Parenthetical: (Author’s Last Name Page) 

Narrative: Author’s Last Name (Page) 

3. Online Video

Works Cited entry

Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Video.” Website, uploaded by Uploader, 

Day Month Year of publication, URL. 

In-text citation 

Parenthetical: (Author’s Last Name Timestamp) 

Narrative: Author’s Last Name (Timestamp)


4. Webpage

Works Cited entry

Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Work.” Website, Day Month Year of publication, URL. 

In-text citation 

Parenthetical: (Author’s Last Name) 

Narrative: Author’s Last Name


5. Newspaper article

Works Cited entry

Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Newspaper, Day Month Year of publication, URL. 

In-text citation 

Parenthetical: (Author’s Last Name) 

Narrative: Author’s Last Name


6. Interviews

a. Personal Interviews:

Works Cited entry

Name of interviewee, Interview conducted by, Date of interview

Streefkerk, Raimo. Interview Conducted by Shona McCombes, 20 July 2019.

In-text citation 

Name of interviewee



b. Published Interviews:

Work Cited entry

Spark, Muriel. “Unsentimental Voyager.” Interview by Stephanie Merritt. The Guardian, 10 Sep. 2000,­books/­2000/­sep/­10/­fiction.murielspark.

In-text citation 



For further details on the MLA style of referencing, please refer to the following links:



The authors may like to see a published article in Naad Nartan for their reference-


Author can click article mentioned below for MLA style:



  • Authors are requested for a plagiarism and AI detection check before submitting their Papers.



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