Naad -Nartan
Journal of Dance and Music
ISSN 2349 - 4654 (Print)
DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Name | Title | Page No. |
Editorial | Chief Editor Prof. Ravi Sharma | Click Here |
Keynote address Sangita Vidwan Dr. R. S. Nandakumar, Senior Exponent of Karnataka Music and Critical Scholar, Mysuru, Karnaṭaka | Music, Society and Everyday life | Click Here |
Nidhi Jha and Dr. Rashmika Mishra | Harmony through Hindustani Music on International Platforms in Context of Globalization | Click Here |
Amrit Mishra and Dr. Vidhi Nagar | The Role of Modern Technology in Preserving and Evolving Indian Classical Dance and Music Traditions | Click Here |
J. Chandana Ruwan Kumara and Dr. B. Satyavara Prasad | Music Iconography portrayed in South Asian Buddhist Arts (Based on Veena engravings in Pitalkhora Buddhist cave) | Click Here |
Nagaranjitha S and Prof. Layleena Bhat | Cultural Patronage and Commerce: Role of Merchant Guilds in Promoting Performing Arts in Ancient India | Click Here |
Dr. Timmanna Bheemaraya | Music of Nomadic Gondaliga Community | Click Here |
राजीव कुमार | संगीत में वाद्य यंत्रों के निर्माण में पशु अंगों की भूमिका तथा उनमें होने वाले नवाचार | Click Here |
मौलश्री सिंह एवं प्रो. डा. मांडवी सिंह | रायगढ़ नरेश राजा चक्रधर सिंह प्रणीत अनूठे संगीत ग्रंथ | Click Here |
प्रियतोष कर्नाटक | कुमाऊँनी बैठकी होली में लय और ताल का व्यवहार | Click Here |
Ragini Kalyan and Dr. Vidhi Nagar | Melodic Pathways to Sustainability: Integrating Music in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals | Click Here |
अभ्रदिता मैत्रा बैनर्जी | महाराज स्वाति तिरुनाल राम वर्मा द्वारा रचित हिन्दी भक्ति गीत | Click Here |
हिमानी खोंडे एवं डा. शिवाली सिंह बैंस | लावणी लोकनृत्य में अभिनय: कथक नृत्य के विशेष संदर्भ में | Click Here |
रोहित कुमार | हारमोनियम वाद्य की गुणवत्ता में ‘रीड’ का योगदान | Click Here |
Deepa Iyer S and Dr. Rajshri Ramakrishna | Textual Evidences of Early Music Therapy practices in India | Click Here |
निहारिका | भारतीय चित्रकला के सौंदर्यपरक पहलू में संगीत का प्रभाव | Click Here |
दीपिका पटेल एवं डा. रश्मिका मिश्रा | उत्तर भारतीय शास्त्रीय गायन में स्वरमालिका की भूमिका | Click Here |
Vishal Lout | Awareness Among Artists about Music Business in the New Age Music Industry | Click Here |
Parishmita Phukan | Exploring Spiritual Expressions and Cultural Significance through Devotional Music as a Source of Oral Tradition… | Click Here |
Rutu. N. Raj | Reflections of Contemporary Society of Vijayanagara through Purandara Dasa’s Devaranamas | Click Here |
डा. स्कन्द मंजुल एवं डा. चित्रा शंकर | भारत की प्रथम नगरीय सभ्यता ‘हड़प्पा’ के संदर्भ में संगीत की रूपरेखा | Click Here |
Tithinu Marma and Dr. Vishwas Vijay Kumar Sant | The Impact of Migration on Marma Tribe Music in Bangladesh | Click Here |
Sharif Muhammad Arefin Rony and Dr. Rajesh Shah | Challenges of Indian Muslim society in Indian Classical Music practice | Click Here |
Ashu Kanti Sinha and Dr. Rakesh Kumar | Traditional Bishnupriya Manipuri Folk Songs in North-East India: History and Development | Click Here |
जय शिंदे एवं डा. विश्वास संत | बरोड़ा में शहनाई वादन शिक्षा | Click Here |
Koijam Sobita Devi and H. Rakesh Singh | Significance of the Pena in the Meitei Society | Click Here |
Rahul Singh and Prof. (Dr.) Ruchimita Pande | Navigating Career Challenges in Indian Classical Music: Emerging Opportunities and Evolving Roles in the Digital Age | Click Here |
Dr. Pramod Kumar Pandey and Prof. (Dr.) A Ram Pandey | Hindustani Classical Music and Music Economics: A Study of the Challenges leading to Marginalisation of the Traditional Art Form | Click Here |
Chandni Saxena and Dr. Sumita Kathuria | The Symphony of Music in Contemporary Indian Digital Advertising | Click Here |
Deepali M. Limbekar and Dr. Kishor D. Ingale | The Impact of Festival Advertising on Consumer: A Special Reference to Diwali | Click Here |
Dr. Hina Fatima Moi’nee | Amalgamation of Art Forms: Initial Compositions in Indian Art | Click Here |
डा. विश्वास संत | आधुनिक संस्थाकीय संगीत शिक्षा प्रणाली की नीव रखने वाली बड़ोदा संस्थान की गायन शाला का योगदान | Click Here |
Anjali Girdhar and Dr. Manjari Deo | Pedagogical Excellence: The Innovative Teaching Methods of Pandit Birju Maharaj in Kathak | Click Here |
Bhavana Monagani and Dr. Uppari HimaBind | Performance Structure & Dancing Rituals of Koodiyattam (Traditional Sanskrit Theatre Dance) | Click Here |
स्वजन रघुवंशी | नेपाल के कार्तिक नाच में प्रयुक्त ताल पद्धति – एक अनुशीलन | Click Here |
K. Vadivelou and Dr. Saju George | Kuṟavañci Nāṭya Nāṭakam: A Study of Its Dance Heritage, Decline, and Revival | Click Here |
डा. गरिमा टंडन | कुट्टीयाट्टम के आहार्य में प्रकृति का योगदान | Click Here |
डा. अश्विनी कुमार सिंह | लोकगीतों में पर्यावरण चेतना | Click Here |
Priyanka Dixit .B | Soundtracks of Wellness: The Role of Film Songs in Indian Music Therapy | Click Here |
Subodh Pandey and Dr. Shubham Kumar | Reviving Tradition in the Digital Age: The Role of OTT Platforms in Promoting Hindustani Classical Music through Bandish Bandits | Click Here |
Ashish Shankar (Sunar) | Chaam Dance: The Ancient Art Form of Sikkim | Click Here |
Niren Trivedi | Effect of North Indian Classical Ragas on the Compositions of Sufi Musical Genres | Click Here |
Fenilkumar Soni and Dr. Vishwas Vijaykumar Sant | Peacock and Bow: The Story Behind the Origins of Taus, Dilruba and Esraj | Click Here |
Bhadra Priya K and Dr. Rakesh Kumar | Study of Historical Development and Cultural Significance of Bansuri in North Indian Classical Music | Click Here |
ओमप्रकाश सचदेवा एवं डा. पुनीता श्रीवास्तव | केन्द्रीय विद्यालयों में संगीत शिक्षण प्रणाली: वर्तमान चुनौतियाँ एवं सुझाव | Click Here |
हसनदीप सिंह | सामाजिक आंदोलनों में संगीत की भूमिका का विश्लेषण | Click Here |
गंगा प्रिय एवं डा. प्रेरणा अरोड़ा | वृंदावन की देवालयी समाज गायन परंपरा की वर्तमान स्थिति | Click Here |
राजेश कुमार | राजस्थान की संवादी भजन परंपरा में व्याप्त सांगीतिक एवं सामाजिक चेतना | Click Here |
Amol V. Tote and Dr. Shashikant S. Rewade | The Study of Changing Nature of Horse Imagery in Indian Visual Art | Click Here |
Mrunal V Joharapurkar and Nagpur Dr. Shashikant Rewade | The Artistic Mastery of Nasreen Mohammedi: Exploring the Significance of Line as the main element | Click Here |
Vinod Nanaji Chavan And Dr. Shashikant S. Rewade | Reviving Tradition: The Artistic Renaissance in Colonial India through the Contributions of E.B. Havell and Abanindranath Tagore | Click Here |
चंद्रशेखर वसंतराव वाघमरे | बड़ौदा के छापाकला स्टूडियो का भारतीय कलाजगत में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान | Click Here |
Dr. Samidha Vedabala | Politics and Music: A Study on the Feminist Movement in India | Click Here |
Soibam Monica Chanu and Kumar Sargam | Nat Sankirtan in Meitei Shraddha Ceremony | Click Here |